Gentle Men

Gentle Men

So I was dating that guy. And I was trying to be all casual about it. Which was fine, until I started to have feelings. I didn’t want to have feelings, because I didn’t want to get attached and/or hurt. And because, as we all know, feelings...
Travels with Ruble

Travels with Ruble

In my old life – the one with husband, home and supposed stability – I had an afternoon ritual. Our house didn’t get much light, but for about an hour in the afternoon, a sunbeam lit up one spot in our bedroom. If I was feeling down, overwhelmed or tired, and...
DAY 30!!!

DAY 30!!!

My friend Leannah asked me yesterday how I would celebrate being finished this 30-day challenge. “I don’t know,” I told her. “Probably eat something?” It hadn’t occurred to me. Just being finished felt like celebration enough. I’ve been officially teaching writing for...